Combination errors have been kept to a minimum. I have tried to restrict this checklist to basic error/variety types and subtypes. Other treatments can be found in Coin World (“CW”). These articles are referenced next to the appropriate entry (“ES”). Many of the more obscure error types have been treated in detail in articles published in Errorscope. Others will perhaps be dimly recalled, while others will be unfamiliar. Many of the categories will be familiar to veteran collectors. This is intended to reflect the numerous steps (and missteps) in the minting process that generate the great diversity of anomalies presented here. While the traditional planchet-die-striking method of classification hasn’t been completely abandoned, it has been absorbed into a much more detailed and precise taxonomy. It is updated periodically to reflect the current state of knowledge. This checklist is my attempt to compile a comprehensive listing of all known variety and error types, subtypes, and associated effects.